Course curriculum

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    Getting Started

    • Welcome to the Recipe for Collaborative Community Short Course

    • Your Instructors: Elizabeth Records, Marcia McIntyre, and Nicole Sanchez

    • Course Overview

    • Learning Objectives and Outcomes

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    #1: Collaboration needs

    • Collaboration needs

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    #2: How collaborative is your community? 

    • How collaborative is your community?

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    #3: Why collaborative communities? 

    • Why collaborative communities?

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    #4: Create your collaborative community recipe

    • Create your collaborative community recipe

    • Sample recipes

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    • Try it now - ingredients for collaboration knowledge checks

    • Knowledge check: My way or the highway

    • Knowledge check: Everyone welcome?

    • Knowledge check: Empty seats

    • OPTIONAL Bonus discussion: Empty seats

    • Feedback Survey (Optional)

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...