Course curriculum

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • Welcome to the Broadening Outreach with Community Partnerships Short Course

    • Course Overview

    • Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • 2

    Why Partnerships?

    • Expand your reach

    • Rethinking volunteer led community impact

    • Putting Your Knowledge to Practice

  • 3

    Garden Project in Portland: Urban Community Partnership Example

    • Video presentation of a large community partnership

    • Partnerships in this project

    • Outcomes and Benefits

    • Putting Your Knowledge into Practice

  • 4

    Putting the Pieces of Partnerships Together

    • Identify Potential Partners

    • Identify Potential Funding

    • Putting Your Knowledge Into Practice

  • 5

    Garden Project in Colorado: Suburban Community Partnership Example

    • Cottonwood Community Garden

    • Putting your Knowledge into Practice

  • 6

    How to Do the Work Together

    • Putting pen to paper

    • Communication & Building Relationships

    • Shine a light

    • Putting Your Knowledge Into Practice

  • 7


    • Congratulations on your progress

    • Feedback Survey (optional)